The central library is the ‘Heart’ of our institution. The library came into existence since the inception of the college. Thiruthangal Nadar College has a modern and well-equipped library abode in a space of 4091 sq. ft. with 16484 books, journals, periodicals, and newspapers. The library is located on the 1st floor of Science Block. The library is divided into different sections like the Reference book section, Stack section, Journal section, Reading section, and Digital library with the internet. The Central Library provides books, journals, and internet facilities to the students, teaching and non – teaching staff members. Teaching and learning systems are supported by the library through reading material. The library also provides Location of Information, Indexing, Current Awareness services, Selective Dissemination Information, Photocopy and Print copy services for the staff and students. We try to provide best services to our ability for proper and smooth functioning of the library.
To provide comprehensive information resources and value-added services in support of the Research, Teaching and learning needs of the User society to achieve its goal.
The mission is to facilitate the creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization, dissemination of knowledge resources and providing value-added services.
1. To develop and enhance the capability of the library resources and services to meet the demands of the curriculum, instructional, and research programs of the user community by providing regular funding to the yearly acquisition of library materials.
2. To establish a computer infrastructure for all library operations and services by acquiring library computer software and hardware to make computerization functional.
3. To establish a strong library linkage with other institutions and agencies in the country and if possible with organizations and agencies from foreign countries by seeking their contacts.
4. To provide services that enhance the quest for knowledge and intellectual activity;
5. To create an atmosphere wherein students and faculty enjoy the learning process.
6. To build a complete digital database of resources such as e-journals and e-books from various publishers.
1. Books – 16484
2. Journals – 9
3. Periodicals – 5
4. Magazine – 2
5. Daily’s – 5
6. Projects – 1444
1. Reading Section
2. Stack Section
3. Journals Periodicals Section
4. News Paper and Magazine Section
5. Reference Section
6. Digital Learning Section
7. Thesis Section
8. Questions Bank Section
1. OPAC Services
2. Lending Services
3. Reference Services
4. Reprographic Services
5. Newspaper Clipping
6. CD – ROM Access
7. Question Bank
8. Projects
9. Competitive Examination
10. Internet Specialties


TNC Library is the member institution of an e-ShodhSindhu consortium with access to 6,000+ journals, 1,99,500+ e-books under N-LIST, and 6,00,000 e-books through NDL.
About N-LIST:
E Resources in N-List:
N-LIST e-resources can be accessed through a valid User ID and Password.
❖ All College Working day Timing from 8.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M.
❖ Book Issue/ Return Timing 9.00 A.M to 4.00 P.M.
- Student ID card is compulsory for getting access to the library. Without ID card students are not allowed inside the library.
- Using Mobile Phone and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Borrowed books are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her name.
- The users should not bring their own books and other materials. However purse, calculator and other valuable materials can be taken with them.
- Strict silence must be expected and to be observed inside the library.
- Every member, whether staff, students and others who visit, the library must enter their details system kept for them.
- The referred materials must be kept on the table. No need to replace the material.
- Discussing, chatting and any kind of activities, which disturbs, distracts other members must be avoided in the library.
- Careful attention and proper handling of reading materials, furniture and other materials is expected from the users. Those, who make any damage to the materials, will be punished with appropriate fine and recovery charges.
- Books in the stock room are for lending. Reference books, journals, magazines, project reports and other non-book materials are for reference only.
- Carrying any food items is strictly prohibited.
- Books will not be issued without student ID card.
- Books borrowed should be returned on or before the mentioned due date. If returned late overdue charges Rs.5/- Per day will be collected from the next day for both Staff and students.
- For HOD’s 05 books are allowed for the period of 1 month.
- For Teaching Staff 03 Books are allowed for the period of 1 month.
- For Non -Teaching Staff 01 Books are allowed for the period of 1 month
- For UG & PG Students 02 books are allowed for the period of 14 days.
Book Lost
If the books are lost, then the borrower should replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay three times multiple cost of the book after getting permission from the Librarian.
Care of Library Books
Students are require to handle the books/Journal very carefully; marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.
Any Queries:
TNC library Mail Id:
Open Access e-Resource
- Open Access Library
- Tamil Nadu Virtual Academy
- Tamil E- library
- Project Madurai (Tamil)
- E-Shodh sindu
7.E-PG Pathshala